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The origin of the most important Apulian grape variety name is a source of debate among ampelographers and historians. They discussed in particular the word "bitter" in some spellings detached from "Negro" prefix, which can be referred to the wealth and power of the tannins, features already described by several authors of the nineteenth century. The same term may derive from the Greek language, the word mavro, which means black and that, combined with the Latin word nigro, would strengthen the concept of impenetrability of its color: black black, then. The synonym Nigramaro would confirm this explanation, although scholars do not lean towards any of the two situations; certainly the reports of Puglia with Greece have been many since the seventh century BC, when Greek settlers arrived on the Italian coasts, and there founded numerous towns. Conversely, contradicts the hypothesis of a Greek presence in Salento in the nineteenth century of a vine called Black Dolce, likely in opposition with the other varieties, which as an adjective was "bitter." A third assumption insists that the name may derive from the dialect niuru maru, which defined the characteristic black color of the fruit and the bitter taste of the wine. The only thing certain is that the name of this high-quality grape variety is mentioned for the first time only in the nineteenth century and in the beginning its cultivation was not limited to the Salento but extended to many areas of Southern Italy. 

Currently you can find it easily in the provinces of Lecce and Brindisi and to a lesser extent those of Bari and Taranto. E 'it used exclusively for winemaking, alone or more often mixed with small percentages of other grapes, especially Malvasia Nera di Lecce and Malvasia Nera di Brindisi. Its importance is demonstrated by the high number of Apulian Doc which covers: Alezio, Brindisi, Cupertino, Galatina, Leverano, Matino, Lecce, Salice Salentino and Squinzano.

The plant
vigorous abundant and constant production plant, good resistance to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew, a little 'less mildew and moths. It has good affinity grafting with ordinary Americans vines. The bunch is medium-sized and frusto-conical shape, is short, simple and tight. The berries are of medium size, obovoide, pruinose, thick, firm and black-purple color. The harvest usually takes place in the second half of September.

Wine tasting
Negroamaro is the basis of the best rosé and red wines from Salento. The rosé shows a bright pink color, very dry in the mouth and pleasant scents, the red hand is intense ruby ​​red, full, harmonious and with a high sense of scents.

This is one of those local museums that focus on territory and community: on the tools, images and voices of those who made and used them in a simpler time and place; one based on work, food, wine, traditional feasts, music, techniques and skills.

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