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The weather, the beauty of its coastline, the wealth of art and history, its cuisine and its people make it a region all to see and love.

Aglianico Beneventano IGT

Indicazione Geografica Tipica (I.G.T.) lrpinia’s vine viticulture, today it is considered one of the most important red wine in the national production.

Fiano di Avellino DOCG

White wine from Fiano grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Candida, Montefredane, Lapio and San Michele di Serino in Irpinia. Wine making and refining in stainless steel tanks.

Greco di Tufo

The oldest vine from the avellinese area is undoubtedly the Greco di Tufo, from which we get the wines, imported from the Greek region of Thessaly, by Pelagi.

Taurasi DOCG

With origin in the homonymous municipality of Taurasi (AV) Taurasi DOCG wine is a great red wine that is produced with Aglianico grapes. This vine is said to produce the "Barolo of the South".

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