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Museo del Vino di Bardolino

How to reach the museum
Set inside the Zeni Winery, the Wine Museum is located in the panoramic Costabella area in Bardolino, on the slopes of the hill that stretches out toward the homonymous town overlooking Lake Garda. Since 1991 the museum, conceived and realized by the owner Gaetano Zeni, was meant to offer evidence of the ancient winemaking culture the Zeni family is committed to for generations. The museum also aims to take visitors on a fascinating journey around the world of wine while learning about its history. The museum is divided into thematic areas, each dedicated to a different stage of the long and complex wine production process, from the growing of the vine to the harvest, from the grape processing to the bottling phase.

Area 1: the growing of the vine
This first area is dedicated to the growing of the vine, or viticulture. On the walls are displayed the many systems for training vines, namely the double-arched cane, the spur-pruned, the arbor, the double guyot and the simple guyot systems. Although these grape training systems are widely used still today, the last few years have seen a general tendency toward the abandoning of the arbor system in favour of the guyot.

Area 2: the grape processing
The second sector of the museum is dedicated to the operations concerning the processing of grapes into wine. Among all the fundamental tools for grape processing there is a weighing device used until the last century for the manual weighing of the baskets of harvested grapes.

Area 3: the making of wine
The processing of grape, from harvest to crushing, anticipates the range of cellaring operations that end with the making of wine as finished product. In this area are displayed examples of winery equipment used during the cellaring operations.

Area 4: the cooper's tools
By keeping on walking along the museum route visitors enter an area completely dedicated to the cooper's tools. A cooper is a skilled artisan who makes wooden containers of different dimensions, among which barrels.

Area 5: the origins
The fifth area of the museum houses an exposition of tools and objects that remind us of the origins of the ancient art of winemaking. On display in the foreground is a wine press unit that dates back to the XV century.

Area 6: the bottling process
This area is completely dedicated to the wine bottling phase, the final stage of the whole production process of wine before its release on the market. The area corresponds to a sector of the bottling line from which it is possible to follow the operations being performed during the bottling process, from bottle rinsing and sterilization before filling, to corking and capsuling, from labelling and (wine bottle) case packing to warehousing, ready for sale.

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