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Museo della Comunità di Montalcino e del Brunello

... do not forget the great richness and variety of historical heritage and traditions from which it was born, not by chance, the Brunello di Montalcino.

The Museum of the Comunità Montalcino and Brunello was born in 2003 in the old stables of the Fattoria dei Barbi, with the intention of wanting to pass on arts, crafts, and old peasant traditions that take the visitor to another era, made of hard work, passion and dedication.

The Museum collects into its halls the soul of a country which is known today for its wine, always the protagonist of a story of tenacity, work, struggle, but also the joy of life, culture, respect for itself, for others and nature.

Over 1,500 square meters of objects, photographs, documents, films, through which you go round, alone or accompanied by guides, to discover the reasons of a myth.

There are two thematic tours of the museum.

The first one tells the Montalcino’s Community before the Brunello’s life, the ancient crafts, the sharecropping life.

The second one tells the story of the Brunello di Montalcino explaining what this wine is, how it’s been originated, who were the pioneers, what are the vineyard and cellar work, finally the Montalcinoterroir and its many microclimates.

Inside the Brunello Museum you’ll find also the Brunello Labyrinth: an exhibition of over 200 bottles of wine cellars of Montalcino.

The Museum doesn’t wish to become a deposit of agricultural tools, but a journey into the community: you want to rebuild, through everyday objects, the life journey of a lost generation.

Il Tempio dell'Enoturista

Walking inside a museum, holding a glass of the best Italian wines.

That what for many it is a dream come true.

The Museum will become the "Temple of the wine tourist": you can know the history of Brunello di Montalcino managing to understand what this wine is, how it was born, who were the pioneers, which it is the work of the vineyard and the cellar, but you will have  also the chance to taste the wines from the best  local production  estates.

From April to October, anyone who will visit the MuseodellaComunitàdi Montalcino e del Brunello will find a different day from each other: in fact ,every day, at the entrance of the museum, in addition to the normal free visit, you can have a goblet of Rosso or Brunello di Montalcinowhich will  accompany you throughout the path of knowledge.

Every day the Museum will host a different  producer winery: come and visit us and discover the wine producer of the day!

We suggest you a visit if you want to discover the history and the traditions of Montalcino tasting one or more glasses of wine walking inside the Museum 

Simple ticket € 5,00 per person 
Ticket and 1 wine tasting  € 8,00 per person 
Ticket and 2 wine tasting € 10,00 per person 
Special tickets
Child up to 11 years
Senior (over 65)
Groups minimum 20 people
€ 3,50 per person 
Special tickets - 1 wine
Child up to 11 years
Senior (over 65)
Groups minimum 20 people
€ 6,00 per person 
Special tickets - 2 wines
Child up to 11 years
Senior (over 65)
Groups minimum 20 people
€ 8,00 per person 

* The wine proposed are on rotation choosing from 200 wine-makers from Montalcino

Pathways to study the popular traditions

Vigils combine the beauty and authenticity of the products also with lots of creativity by offering more and more opportunities to be together.

Then in the farmyard,  you're having fun, you eat and drink the mythical Rosso and Brunello di Montalcino making culture and weaving deep ties in the territory between the people who inhabit it, live it and visit it.

The Museo della Comunità di Montalcino e del Brunello invites you to attend unmissable events to revive the old traditions from Val d’Orcia: good food, good wine, good music and an atmosphere are ideal to take a step back in time.

We are waiting for you and of course book already!!!

Every FRIDAY from 7.00pm to 11.00pm from May to October

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Museo della Comunità di Montalcino e del Brunello

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